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Student Progress and Assessment

At LGGS written reports are issued twice a year to provide parents and carers with timely, up to date and accurate information about their child’s progress and approach to learning. In the term with no written report parents will have the opportunity to discuss at parent’s evening their child’s progress.

Last year we made significant changes to our approach to learning grades which have been well received by parents, students and staff. One area of feedback was to include a separate grade for homework. As a result, this year students will receive two ATL grades, one that reflects their overall approach to learning, and one that focuses solely on independent learning outside the classroom. Both ATL grades will be based on the following criteria:

5 Your approach to learning is exceptional, you are always meeting and sometimes exceeding our expectations. You take every opportunity to be involved with the subject during and outside of lesson time.
4 Your approach to learning is very good, you are always meeting our expectations.
3 Your approach to learning is good, you are almost always meeting our expectations.
2 Your approach to learning is not yet consistent, and needs to improve to meet our expectations
1 Your approach to learning poor, you are rarely meeting our expectations.

We continue to reinforce that 3 is the most used grade on our scale and would reflect a student who almost always meets our high expectations. Please note that a grade 5 in a subject is exceptional to recognise that some students will go above and beyond, taking every opportunity to get involved with the subject, perhaps working as a subject mentor, volunteering at open evening in that subject or regularly attending or running a club.

For further information on reporting and assessment view the document download below:

Reporting at LGGS - Information for Parents and Carers