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Through careers education at LGGS we hope to encourage students to set themselves challenging goals which they can fulfil by achieving their best both personally and academically.  We aim to offer advice and guidance that strikes the right balance to produce successful, confident young people that are prepared for the world of work.

During their time at LGGS every student is encouraged to think about their future by developing their skills and making the most of their talents regardless of their background or individual circumstances. In order to help them prepare for college, university, apprenticeships, and the world of employment, we provide timely careers guidance across the year groups.

We continue to develop links with leading local employers in professions, businesses, industry and the public, community and voluntary sectors. We invite leading, successful and accomplished professionals from the community and beyond to engage with our students so that they can really see what opportunities are available to them.

In addition to subject related careers activities, as part of their preparations for the world of work, students participate in Careers sessions during KS3 and KS4. Here students have the opportunity to learn about the changing labour market, research enterprise companies and gather information about apprenticeship pathways. The aim is to help students develop self-knowledge and knowledge and understanding of learning and work, in the context of other aspects of life and society. Careers education and guidance is a continuous process, which is delivered in a variety of contexts to all students from Years 7 to 13.

In the academic year 2023-2024, we have the following areas of focus:
  • Introducing the Unifrog platform to all students and staff.
  • Introducing work experience for all Y11 students in May 2024.
  • Tracking student interactions related to careers through the Unifrog platform.
  • Embedding the careers lessons taught in Y7-Y11 during Personal Development lessons.
  • Increasing the number of visits to workplaces and Careers forums/fairs.
  • Enhancing links with external providers to cater for the needs of all pupils.
  • Surveying year groups to inform the careers programme through the Compass Plus platform.

Careers Information

Careers at LGGS is delivered in a number of ways that helps us to meet the 8 Gatsby Benchmarks.

Each benchmark is covered below. The overview document gives more detailed information.

The 8 Gatsby Benchmarks:

Careers is delivered across Years 7-13 in a variety of ways. There are dedicated Careers lessons in some years along with Careers input from optional sessions at lunchtimes and after schools as well as during the whole year group health and careers days.

Input at health and Careers days as well as in some curriculum lessons allows pupils to understand the changing labour markets.

Pupils complete skills reviews in KS3 using the Cascaid programme. This allows them to focus on areas to improve in order to access careers they are intereste

Core subjects often link in the work they do to future careers. This occurs either through specific scenarios where pupils need to imagine they work in a particular pace and have to carry out tasks, or through discussions at open evenings and in lessons about where the subject they study can

KS4 and KS5 have mock interviews with employers. Across the school employers come in to deliver sessions about their sector.

KS5 pupils volunteer as part of the well-being programme.

Regular visits to the school from further and higher education institutions take place. This involves talks to groups of pupils and opportunities to ask questions in these sessions.

All pupils in KS4 will have a 1:1 Careers appointment with the independent careers advisor. At options time in Year 9 and Year 11 all pupils will have 1:1 guidance about choices with a member of senior staff.


LGGS is pleased to have the support of an independent Careers Advisor, Ms. Jane Wann, who is available for consultation and support on Mondays. Ms. Wann supports students in Years 7 – 13, but with focus on KS4 and KS5 by providing independent advice and guidance on choices for GCSE, A-level, Apprenticeships, higher level qualifications, University and employment. In addition, all students in Years 9 and 11 have an IAG discussion with a member of the Senior Leadership Team when deciding on their course options for both GCSE and A-level.

Inspira Enterprise Co-Ordinator

LGGS has an enterprise Co-Ordinator who provides access to contacts and support with Careers activities. An Enterprise Advisor has also been provided to assist in the delivery and development of Careers education within school.


The Unifrog platform is a digital platform that allows students to create a careers profile for themselves based on their areas of interest.It also tracks careers related activities they have taken part in.  It is aimed at supporting students to make realistic and informed decisions about jobs, post 16 courses, employability and skills. It provides access to local and regional education and training providers as well as employers.

The platform will be used to support the Y12 work experience week.


We recognise that not all students wish to pursue A-Level courses after Y11 or a degree after Y13. The link below takes you to the Lancashire forum information booklet that provides a range of apprenticeship course information. In addition to this, providers of post 16 courses can click on the link below to see how they can access the Careers team at LGGS in order to provide information about their courses.

Lancashire Forum: https://www.lancsforum.co.uk

Lancashire Forum Apprenticeships

Application for provider access

Find out more information about how LGGS delivers Careers:

Review and evaluation

The last review took place in the Autumn term 2023.
The next review is scheduled for the Autumn term 2024.


Parents who are seeking further information or who would like to contribute to the Careers Education Programme should use the contact details for the School Careers Leader below:

01524 581661