Physical Education - Lancaster Girls' Grammar School

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LGGS Physical Education Department Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact

LGGS’ values are at the heart of physical education. The PE curriculum is designed around unlocking every individual’s potential by developing life-skills which act as a foundation to help every LGGS pupil develop as a well-rounded individual.

At LGGS the PE curriculum intent is to provide a platform to challenge, encourage and experience both practical and theoretical opportunities to develop the whole-self as personal, social, thinking, physically active and creative individuals. Not only is the curriculum designed around high-quality teaching and learning opportunities that inspire all pupils to grow, contribute and succeed with physical competence, development and confidence, but to;  ‘believe in themselves and ensure social belonging’, ‘learning to learn, lead and develop a growth mindset’, ‘build aspirations and develop resilience’, ‘make healthy active lifestyle choices and develop lifelong leadership skills’ and ‘build mental health and tools to manage pressure’.

Pupils at LGGS have full access to a vast and varied range of both indoor and outdoor, team and individual sporting activities which are allow for diversity and inclusion to meet the needs and styles of all pupils. The curriculum is designed to build and expand on previous skills and subject knowledge, providing opportunities of working independently or collaboratively in both competitive and reactional contexts. With a curriculum focus around well-being, the ethos created within the department is pivotal in providing a safe supportive environment where all individuals experience the same level of care and SMSC development. A rich and diverse extra-curricular activities programme provides pupils with an opportunity to contribute; learning new skills with specialised external coaching, representing school teams in local fixtures or holding a position of responsibility on Sports Leadership Team or G.L.A.M squad all add to LGGS’ ethos. A thriving house system is the basis of all Inter-house competitions from Hockey to Rounders and whole school and community events like Sports Week, Gymnastic/Dance Showcase, Sports Day and The LGGS Midsummer Supper Run allow the PE department to celebrate effort, establish a sense of belonging and challenge all ages and abilities to fulfil their potential.

Our PE curriculum aims to positively impact on the overall well-being, fitness and life-skills of all pupils at LGGS, so they not only have the ability to achieve outstanding academic grades, but relish any personal or professional challenge they have to face within and beyond school. Through learning and practising sporting skills, performing in-front of an audience, being provided with problem solving tasks, evaluating and analysing performance, the underpinning values and disciplines PE promotes have more than just a physical impact, but of building a holistic self-worth and self-esteem. The PE department take pride in celebrating any achievements both for effort and outstanding performance both in a termly sports newsletters and at a dedicated Sports Presentation Evening. Our impact therefore is to facilitate, motivate, inspire and add worth to every pupil in order to live a happy and healthy life.

KS3 PE Curriculum OverviewPE Department Twitter

Extra-Curricular Clubs Timetable - Summer Term 2024

PE Blueprint

Health & Safety: Concussion

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