About Alumnae - Lancaster Girls' Grammar School

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About Alumnae

Join our Alumnae Database by filling in our LGGS Alumnae (Leavers) Contact and Consent Form

To receive our termly newsletters, and to hear from us about upcoming alumnae events, please fill in the form below so we are able to contact you via email.

LGGS Alumnae (Leavers) Contact and Consent Form

Stay in touch with school and each other via Future First.

You’ll always be part of LGGS, the alumnae and our school community are one entity and we do not want to lose touch with you. Many past students visit us to share their experience and knowledge with current students, as your experience may inspire and motivate others. The alumnae newsletter will be a platform which enables you to share news with each other or to organise reunions.

Since its foundation in 1914, LGGS Alumnae (originally known as the Old Girls’ Association or OGA) has made a huge impact on the lives of students in the school, many have returned to deliver career talks to current students about their studies and work experience or the many ways you have shown kindness towards others. Over 100 years later, we hope to continue this legacy, by developing our alumnae network, and creating a sense of community that is kindled in Year 7 and continues throughout your life.

Future First is the first step to staying in touch.

Register here 

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